Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Android Development Book

I bought this book: "Hello, Android: Introducing Google's Mobile Development Platform (Pragmatic Programmers)" to get me going with properly understanding Android Development. (See photo in next post on this blog) I have been playing around with most of the tutorials on the Android website, and although very useful, it's just not as enjoyable as reading a book.

I chose this book because it has good reviews, mainly on Amazon, and because it was one of the few books that includes the current version of Android (2.2 - Froyo). I am still just on the first few pages of the book, starting to build up the tutorial app (a Sudoku game) but so far I am impressed with how easy to understand it has been for someone with a reasonable knowledge of Java from a few years ago and some understanding of Android development from looking around the official docs and tutorials. It has boosted my motivation to keep working on this as the book is broken down into small increments of understanding which makes me want to keep going and learn more. So far I recommend the book but I will write more once I am further through.

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